When you are signing up for sports for school, you will need to get a sports physical. This is done for just about any age, from elementary and middle school, to high school, college and beyond. If this will be your very first one, here is more information about the sports physical, what is involved, and why it is needed.
What is the purpose of a sports physical?
The sports physical is a required doctor physical exam that looks at your overall physical health.…
If your child is going to need braces, then you should get a jump start on the process by visiting an orthodontist when your child has hardly lost any teeth. Most children need braces at some point, but there are a couple of things that the orthodontist can do in order to cut down on the time spent in braces.
Palate Expander
First, your child can get a palatal expander if his or her mouth is quite small and crowded.…
Losing a loved one can be a very difficult time. Many people go through stages of depression, anger and profound grief when they lose someone they love. Even though you will miss your loved one everyday, the pain will subside over time and you will once again be able to function. Here are a couple tips for dealing with the death of a loved one.
1. Embrace Your Grief
Grieving is a normal and healthy response to losing someone that you love.…