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Three Reasons To Keep Your Cat Inside

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Though some pet owners choose to let their cats venture outside, the best choice for the health of your cat is to keep him or her inside only. While cats may enjoy roaming, it’s often to their detriment. Here are three specific reasons to keep your cat indoors. Ticks, fleas, and mites are a real problem for pets and owners. It’s far too easy for your cat to end up infested with ticks or mites when he or she ventures outside.…

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3 Reasons To Get Your Hearing Tested Annually

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A hearing test can actually be a very useful resource for you to take advantage of on a yearly basis, mostly because issues with your hearing can often lead to more complicated health issues and a greater risk of injuring yourself. Listed below are three reasons to get your hearing tested annually. Can Help Catch Health Issues Early The biggest reasons to get your hearing tested annually is the fact that it can help you catch health issues early.…

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Retinopathy In Preemies | A Guide To Understanding The Role Of An Optometrist

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If your son or daughter was born at or before 31 weeks of pregnancy, he or she almost undoubtedly needed to spend time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, which is also known as the NICU. Those treatments, while essential for improving your baby’s odds of survival, could also put your baby at a higher risk of developing a serious vision problem.  Therefore, if you suspect that your baby’s vision is not as it should be, it is a good idea to discuss your concerns with an experienced optometrist or another eye doctor at your earliest opportunity.…

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