Top Signs Your Parent Needs A Home Healthcare Service For Help With Hygiene
Home healthcare services help elderly people with all sorts of things. For example, they frequently help with things like bathing and otherwise taking care of personal hygiene. You might have never really thought about hiring a home healthcare worker to help your parent with personal hygiene, but it might be time for you to consider doing something like this. These are a few top signs that your parent might need home healthcare services for this purpose.
Your Parent Has Gotten Hurt in the Shower
Your elderly parent might have always taken a shower alone. In general, they might have never had any problems with this. However, at some point or another, your parent might have fallen or otherwise gotten hurt in the shower. Now, your parent — and your entire family — might be worried about the possibility of another accident happening. This could be a good time to call a home healthcare service so that you can help prevent your loved one from suffering from additional injuries. Also, now might be a good time to take other steps for safety, too; for example, you could try installing grab bars, non-slip mats, and more.
Your Parent is Too Embarrassed to Ask Family Members for Help
Your parent might know that they need a bit of help with showering and otherwise taking care of themselves. However, they might not want to ask their family members for help. If this is the case, then it might be time to bring in a professional. Then, your loved one might feel a little more comfortable and a little less embarrassed about asking for help. After all, some people don't want their adult children or other family members to see them in various stages of undress.
Your Parent's Personal Hygiene Isn't Where it Should Be
Even if your elderly parent has always had excellent hygiene, there is a chance that this has changed over the years. Sometimes, people who suffer from dementia stop taking care of their personal hygiene like they once did. In other cases, older people are scared of getting hurt in the shower and therefore don't shower as often as they should be. Of course, personal hygiene is important. If you have noticed that your loved one hasn't been keeping up with their hygiene as well as they should be and as well as they used to, then you should think about hiring a home healthcare service.