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3 Signs You Have a Gluten Allergy

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If you have any interest in natural, holistic living or have followed the entertainment industry at all, you most likely have heard about gluten. Found in a variety of foods, including breads, pastas, and most packaged foods, gluten is a substance that gives food its elasticity. Unfortunately, an estimated 6 percent of the United States' population have some sort of sensitivity to gluten. This sensitivity can cause discomfort and other medical ailments, requiring gluten to be removed completely from your diet and even medication to be taken. If you are experiencing one or all of the following symptoms, you may have a gluten allergy. 

Skin Disorders

Keratosis pilaris affects a large portion of individuals, but this skin disorder is also a common sign that you are sensitive to gluten. Also known as chicken skin, keratosis pilaris causes small, hard bumps to develop on the skin's surface. While not life-threatening, these bumps can become itchy and uncomfortable.

Prescription creams that are applied topically can reduce the inflammation caused by keratosis pilaris. However, removing gluten from your diet may be necessary for permanent results. Ask your doctor about undergoing an allergy test to determine if you are sensitive to gluten.

Gastrointestinal Issues

If allergic, digesting gluten will not be comfortable. Antibodies will attempt to attach and fight off the gluten proteins, but will be unsuccessful. Although your body will put up a good fight, digesting the gluten will not be easy.

If you have a gluten allergy, consuming foods with this ingredient may cause the following:

  • Acid reflux
  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Bloating

Decreasing gluten from your diet is also beneficial if you suffer with irritable bowel syndrome. Although studies have not proven a link between gluten and IBS, reducing your intake of gluten can decrease your gastrointestinal discomfort.

Unexplained Fatigue

Everyone will feel tired at one point in time. Whether you are working multiple jobs or caring for a newborn baby, fatigue is a common part of most people's lives. However, if you are constantly dealing with fatigue without any real explanation, you may have a gluten allergy.

Unfortunately, most doctors are unsure of the relation between gluten sensitivity and fatigue. Malnutrition may be causing fatigue in patients with this allergy, since the body struggles to absorb nutrients during digestion.

If you believe your body is sensitive to gluten, consult your doctor for allergy testing. With an efficient diagnosis and proper diet, your gluten allergy will not prevent you from living a normal, healthy life. Check out for more information.
