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Asthma Triggers And Treatments

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If there is one thing that can scare an individual into visiting the doctor, it is having an asthma attack. During an asthma attack, the muscles around  bronchial tubes narrow significantly causing dire shortness of breath. This can be a very scary even and needs to be treated immediately. One of the scary things about an asthma attack is that despite taking medication, it is possible for the asthma attack to persist. Therefore, it is imperative to get into a doctor soon after the onslaught of an attack. This article will outline three different common causes of asthma attacks. 


The different seasons can bring different activities. In the summer and spring most individuals are outside, and this can expose them to allergens such as pollen. During the winter, most people spend a great deal of time inside. Being inside causes more exposure to allergens such as mold and dust. When your body comes into contact with a substance that it is not familiar with, it can have a destructive reaction to it. The immune system will then produce antibodies to fight off the substance even though it may not be harmful. The antibodies can then flare up an asthma attack by tightening airways. In order to fend off allergy induced asthma problems, it is possible to be treated for allergies. The treatment is a series of shots that allows the body to become immune to the allergen.

Sports or Exercise 

Many individuals truly enjoy strenuous exercise and sports. However, it is possible that what an individual enjoys a great deal can cause a difficulty in breathing. Sports induced asthma is caused when the body is lacking oxygen and starts to gasp for air. This causes a shortness of breath and the lungs can overexert themselves and the bronchial tubes can become extremely narrow. There are treatments and medications that should allow an individual to continue to enjoy strenuous activities, such as a nebulizer and inhaler. However, restriction of the lungs and airways is still possible and should be monitored carefully.


It only makes sense that if a body contracts a upper respiratory infection, the body would have a hard time breathing. So, commonly an individual will have a asthma attack during the infection, and commonly the asthma attack is worsened by the infection. In order to prevent upper respiratory infection causing asthma attacks it is important to be rid of the infection as soon as possible. This is commonly taken care of with antibiotics, water, and a lot of rest. 

For more information, check out clinics such as The Regional Allergy Asthma & Immunology Center, PC.
