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Tips For Recovery After Wisdom Tooth Removal

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Unlike some other dental procedures, the removal of your wisdom teeth isn't something that you'll recover from in a few hours. When your wisdom teeth are removed at a clinic like Campus Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, you may experience symptoms like pain, swelling or dizziness. Following these tips will help you manage your symptoms and keep your mouth free of infection. 

Leave the Surgical Area Alone

In the first day after your surgery, leave the surgical area alone. Do not probe the area with your tongue or touch the area with your fingers. Do not rinse the area, or spit, or use a straw. Do not brush your teeth for the first 24 hours after your surgery. The only contact that you may have with the surgical area in the first day following the surgery is that you may be required to replace the gauze your dentist gave you to bite down on. You will only need to replace the gauze if bleeding persists. 

Manage the Pain

Ice packs can help reduce swelling and manage the pain. Use cold compresses for up to 20 minutes at a time, then leave the cold compress off for an additional 20 minutes before reapplying. 

Some relief may also be found from warm moist compresses, like a washcloth soaked in warm water and wrung out. Apply compresses to the outside of your face, on the cheeks. After the first day, swish salt water around in your mouth to manage your pain; this will also clean the surgical area. 

Get Rest and Avoid Exercise

On the first day, stay in bed or rest on your couch. You may engage in quiet, restful activities like reading or watching television. In the first few days following the surgery, avoid engaging in any intense physical activities. Don't exercise, bend down, or lift anything heavy. Doing this can cause your surgical cuts to begin bleeding.

Clean the Mouth After the First Day

Resume normal tooth brushing activities after the first day, but brush gently around the surgical area. Swish your mouth with saltwater after meals and before bedtime.

Eat Soft Foods

Eat soft foods for the first few days after surgery, gradually re-introducing hard foods to the diet. Cold fruit smoothies are especially good at this time because the coldness can help reduce swelling. 

If the bleeding persists beyond the first day of surgery, or if the pain fails to lessen after 3 days, contact your dentist. Otherwise, you should plan to feel much like your old self again after 3 or 4 days of recovery time. 
