Baby With Cleft Hand ~ Quick Overview For Adoptive Parents
Are you planning to adopt a child who has a cleft hand? If so, you may have a number of questions about the child's condition, especially if you have limited medical information about the birth parents. You may also have fears about the child's future health and wonder whether there is a way that pediatric plastic surgery could improve his or her life. The following information will help you to better understand this condition, and it may put some of your fears at ease.
This type of congenital deformity is usually the result of inheriting the genes. Some children may be born with cleft hands if there a history of another congenital deformity. For example, if there is a familial history of cleft lip, it is possible that a child with cleft hands might be conceived. Children born to a parent with cleft hands have a 50% chance of being born with the condition. You may want to keep this in mind if you have limited information about the birth parents, and it is something that you may want to discuss with your child and a geneticist when they reach childbearing age.
Your child will likely not experience pain as a result of having a cleft hand because it is a birth defect. As an adoptive parent of a child with a birth defect, you may have concerns about them crying often. Remember to keep in mind that all babies cry, and that your baby is likely crying for a normal reason such as being hungry, sleepy, or needing a diaper change.
Some children who are affected by this condition have a milder form, and they may not suffer from physical limitations. If there is is a severe deformity, a surgeon will want to develop a plan that would maximize the chances of your child being able to use the affected hand(s); however there may still be some limitations. Another healthcare professional such as an orthopedist will likely be a part of your child's treatment plan. Some children with cleft hand also have cleft feet. Orthopedists can help your child to overcome difficulties using their hands and feet, which might include fitting them for prosthetics.
A pediatric plastic surgery provider is a good resource to use to determine what surgical procedures can be utilized. They can also determine at which intervals the surgeries should occur. Each child affected by this condition may have different treatment plans and surgeries planned throughout their childhood. The extent of the recommended treatment may be affected by how soon the intervention is sought and severity of the deformity.
For pediatric plastic surgery, contact a hospital such as Shriners Hospitals for Children – Cincinnati.